Expert Chemical Movers

With the increase of new research facilities being built to dazzle potential researchers, the need for expert chemical movers has increased. At Triumvirate Environmental I assist in extensively training our employees to ensure that a chemical move is completed safety and in accordance with federal and state regulations.

Triumvirate forms a unique agenda for each client that outlines the course of action for their unique needs. Creating a personal relationship with out clients helps us to keep them well informed about what we do, and allows them to trust us throughout the entire process.

The chemical movers establish the type of chemical move during the onsite walkthrough. During this procedure the chemical movers take an inventory of the chemicals, get familiar with the lab layout, meet the players, and determine the unique qualities of this particular job. The information gained helps in the actual move as well as our pre-move meeting.

We first determine whether the job is an internal or external move. An internal move refers to onsite lab-to-lab, onsite building-to-building, contiguous property, tunnels, and chemicals that do not need to be packed. An external move refers to travel over public roadways and the strict following of Department of Transportation laws

The pre-move meeting is a new element we have added to our chemical move process. Our employees observed a disconnect between communications with both the client and our company. The pre-move meeting has significantly increased communication and also helps to ease the actual move by familiarizing the lab with the movers, as well as, allowing our company to answer any questions or concerns.

Lastly, we work out the logistics and schedule a time to start the move. Throughout this entire procedure we communicate with EH&S staff, researchers, and the furniture and equipment movers for a well coordinated, smooth transition to the chemicals’ new home. Let Triumvirate take care of transporting your chemicals, cold items, and research projects.