Webinar on-demand

Visual Literacy: How "Learning to See" Benefits Occupational Safety


Sometimes you cannot see what is in front of you, even if you know it’s there. Visual biases exist all around us. We may gloss over unsafe working conditions and “fill in” what we’re used to seeing. Applying visual literacy to occupational safety can improve our ability to imagine the potential of hazards.

View this thought-provoking webinar to:

  • Hear about a new project from the Campbell Institute and the Toledo Museum of Art to discover how better visual literacy can improve hazard recognition
  • Learn about visual literacy activities that you can implement at your own site 


 Speaker Profile

JoyInouye croppedJoy Inouye is the Research Associate for the Campbell Institute. She has worked on several research topics for the Institute including EHS leading indicators, risk perception, and contractor safety management. She is co-author of a recent journal article on leading indicators research and has co-presented on leading indicators at various
                                           conferences in the past year.

View the Webinar