No More Boring RCRA Trainings: 4 Steps To Take Today
For many, RCRA training is a necessary evil of their job training. As the person in charge of the training, it's your responsibility to make sure those in the training are engaged and learning what they need to know to perform their jobs safely and efficiently. Below, you'll find 4 steps that should be taken to ensure the training experience is worth while for your employees.
1.) Perspective
- Why was the law passed that lead to the regulations?
- What was the historical debate surrounding the passage of the law?
- What other laws and regulations are related to the topic at hand?
- What are the non-regulatory issues (e.g., long term liability, sustainability) related to the topic?
For more examples and ideas on creating a RCRA training with perspective, view the slide deck above.
2.) Force Your Audience to Think
- Interesting trivia relative to the topic
- Questions can be used continuously as a speaking style to prompt talking points
3.) Use Props & Get Hands-On
Who doesn’t love show and tell! An old can of pesticide, a strange old battery, an old fire extinguisher filled with tetrachloroethylene, nicotine patches: these are solid gold! In the same way questions can help with audience engagement, so can passing around related objects.
4.) Attitude
The trainer sets the tone for the session. If they’re excited about the topic, the audience will be too. Even the crustiest students can have a good experience if the speaker brings enthusiasm to the topic.
What made that favorite teacher from high school so special? Chances are it’s that they cared. They cared about their students and about their subject. Because they cared, they brought passion to the classroom
Another option for employee RCRA training is sending them to a class run by an expert that specializes in employee training. To learn more about Triumvirate Environmental's open-enrollment RCRA training or to sign up for a class, look here.