

Stay informed with EHS best practices, regulatory updates, case studies, industry news, and helpful tips.

EHS, Lab Pack, Tank Cleaning, Lab Move, Chemical Inventory, Lab Relocation, Laboratories, Facility Maintenance, Lab Decontamination, Lab Decommissioning, Biological Safety Cabinet, Fume Hoods

Season's Cleanings: How To Maximize Your Holiday Shutdown and Lab Hibernation

Holiday facility closures and year-end shutdowns are indicative of a season of rest. In fact, one study indicates that employees are twice as likely to request time off in December in comparison to any other month. Your staff is taking this well-deserved holiday break,...
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Waste Disposal, Lab Pack, Lab chemicals, Waste Management, Chemical Management, Chemical Inventory, Laboratory Waste Management, Laboratories, Lab Decontamination, Lab Decommissioning

Your PI Is Retiring: Now What?

The departure of a university lab’s principal investigator (PI) can cause disruption across the entire facility and impact environmental, health, and safety (EHS) operations. Proper planning ahead of...

Lab Pack

FAQs About Lab Packs and Chemical Disposal

Whether you generate or use enough chemicals for a yearly lab pack, or have one or multiple large laboratories or locations which require routine chemical disposal service, you have a lot to...

Hazardous Waste Disposal, Lab Pack

Are You Familiar with Lab Packs?

Field Services, Lab Pack, Lab Safety, Lab Move, Lab Relocation, Education, Life Sciences, Lab Decontamination, Technical Services

7 Things You Need to Know Before Moving Your Lab

There are a lot moving parts when it comes to completing a lab relocation. You have to pack and label chemicals, decontaminate your lab thoroughly, and transport everything to the new lab, all while...

Field Services, Lab Pack, Lab Safety, Lab Move, Lab Relocation, Education, Life Sciences, Lab Decontamination, Technical Services

7 Things You Need to Know About Before Moving Your Lab

There are a lot moving parts when it comes to completing a lab relocation. You have to pack and label chemicals, decontaminate your lab thoroughly and transport everything to the new lab, while, all...

Decontamination, Lab Pack, Life Sciences

3 Phases to a Successful Lab Decommissioning

During our latest webinar, expert Craig Sasse shared some valuable insight into how to properly plan and execute laboratory decommissioning projects. Whether relocating, closing, or renovating a lab,...
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