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Environment, Sustainability

California Generators: Are You Prepared for the New Generator Improvement Rule Updates?

As of July 1, 2024, the California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) is adopting the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) Generator Improvements Rule (GIR). These changes will have a major impact on California waste generators—with monetary,...
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Environment, Sustainability

COP28 Conclusions: We All Must Work Together

In mid-December 2023, the 28th Conference of the Parties (COP28) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) wrapped up, closing with one key takeaway: We all need to do far...

Environment, Hazardous Waste Disposal, EPA, Hazardous Waste

Methods to Ensure Biosafety During Lab Migration or Expansion

Growing biomanufacturers all face a major challenge: As they ramp up from R&D to production, or as they move to a larger space, they must still maintain safety and compliance. New, larger facilities...

Environment, Hazardous Waste Disposal, EPA, Hazardous Waste

Hazardous Waste Incineration—Logjams and Workarounds

Hoping to highlight current hazardous waste incineration issues occurring nationwide, I sat down with Triumvirate Environmental’s Chief Operating Officer (COO) Tim Mooney. As one of our premier...

Environment, Sustainability, Waste, Recycling, Chemical Management, EHS History, Plastic

The Increasing Impact of Sustainability (and ESG) in the EHS Field

Reflecting on Earth Month, the prominence of celebrations worldwide reinforces that the global commitment to sustainability is as strong as ever. Another harbinger of the growing power of...

Environment, Sustainability, Waste, Recycling, Plastic

5 Ways to Prioritize Sustainability in Your Business Plan

Now more than ever, sustainability is being actively sought out by customers and legislative bodies alike—luckily, there are ever-increasing ways you can keep sustainability at the forefront of your...

Environment, Sustainability, Compliance, air quality, Pollution

What COP27—and Future Climate Talks—May Mean for Your Organization

Big changes are in the works for climate change mitigation and sustainability compliance. While many questions remain, proper preparation can help waste-generating organizations adapt and even...

Environment, Sustainability, Education

EHS Inspiration from Indigenous Environmental Activists

The second Monday of October has long been recognized as Columbus Day. In recent years, however, there has been a push to use this day to instead honor the history, culture, and perspectives of...

Environment, Safety, Water, Education, Pollution

Get Inspired: Hispanic Environmentalists Worth Knowing About

You may not be aware of it, but we’re in the middle of Hispanic Heritage Month, which runs from September 15 to October 15. This is an annual celebration of the history and culture of the United...

Environmental Protection Agency, Environment, Sustainability, Pollution

Black Environmentalists You Should Know

Black History Month is an opportunity to understand and acknowledge the endeavors of People of Color (POC) around the world. This Black History Month, we are recognizing environmental leaders and...
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